Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Watching 'Em Grow

Today I took my 5-year-old to the doctor for her annual check-up, the one she needs before she starts kindergarten in September. Fortunately for me, my work-life balance allows me to participate in these types of things. I was also pleasantly surprised to see a couple of other fathers in the waiting room, waiting with their kids, on a weekday morning.

Perhaps they, too, found their Road to Gumption and are able to spend the LOAF (loved ones and family) time that they desired. To them I would say, "Keep your eyes on the Road!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, some things in life can't be missed. I've been taking my son in for his annual checkups since he was just a baby. So I guess to use your phrase, I have been keeping my eyes on the Road.