Tuesday, January 8, 2008

90 Percent (!) Want More Balance

In a recent national survey commissioned by ConAgra Foods, 90 percent of Americans want to have a more balanced life, but only 21 percent of them think it's possible. Of the people who make New Year's resolutions, 60 percent will break those resolutions in the first 3 months of the new year.

A good percentage of those resolutions relate to diet and losing weight, and ConAgra is using this data to promote some new health and wellness initiatives. But I find the numbers compelling but not surprising, that such a high percentage desire change, but such a low percentage believe that it's achievable.

If only more people were to practice The 5 P's of Change ... prepare, plan, pursue, persevere, and positive. Of course, I'm biased because that's been my Road to Gumption for embracing change.

Happy New Year! And keep your eyes on the Road ... to Gumption.

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